Thursday, April 15, 2010

Gifts For Coffee Lovers

Responsibility | Starbucks Coffee Company

Starbucks is a company that takes caring for the planet very seriously. They work to recycle their products, teach their employees ways to save water and give the consumer many options to help them liver greener lives too.
On April 15th they offered free coffee to anyone who brought in their own reusable mug. But did you know that they offer $.10 off every time you bring in your mug. That's right, Starbucks encourages you to protect the environment by offering you discounts to go green. 

If you have a coffee lover in your family, why not splurge and get them a set of reusable travel mugs along with a gift certificate to their favorite coffee spot. You will not only encourage them to be more responsible, but will feel good knowing you are doing your part by spreading the word.

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